Movement With Iso Fit, Just Correct the Injury

physiotherapist central

The Rehabilitation unit Physio Fir offers pilates rehabilitation that provides many therapeutic pilates exercises. Usually, providing wide ranges benefits of for pathologies and injuries. Besides being qualified physiotherapist central the specialist are trained fully in the method of polestar pilates for pilates rehabilitation. In 1992, by Brent Anderson Ph.D. the Polestar Education LLC was established. It was designed mainly to be a cutting-edge and comprehensive Pilates instructor training course for post-rehab and rehabilitation practice. Generally, qualified medical practitioners based on the Joseph Pilates teaching and research of modern medicine.


  1. Referral- The clients of physical rehab come along with a referral from a Hong Kong doctor.
  2. Assessment- Initial physical assessment based on the physiotherapist formulate joint goals and a physical rehabilitation program be devised.
  3. Treatment- The team comprises mainly 3 phases namely, fitness & conditioning, post-rehab, and rehab.
  4. Maintenance- It’s a process that not only stops during the pain’s absence but now the patient is ready for moving into the environment of fitness.


Their philosophy is simple as they believe in healing by movement. Treating the problem cause and in body strengthening so that it is working rather than being against. The Hong Kong-based physiotherapist works to rehabilitate an injury, full fitness is got back, and train the body to minimize the re-injury risk in the future.


It can be concluded that the pilates method usage for physical rehabilitation is the most effective and healthiest way for getting back norm fitness schedule. The Iso Fit physiotherapists are well versed extremely in this field and take the time for offering constructive advice.