How To Get A Finance Visa To The United States in Calgary, AB

About Green Card Holder

Are you a U.S.citizen? Want to become a green card holder in Canada?  No problem. Our organization can assist you with applying for a family green card in the United States, and we are here to help you. Just read the details given in this document.

Basic Requirements for Canadian Citizenship

Before applying with the Canadian Citizenship and Immigration Services, anyone pursuing a finance visa to the United States in Calgary, AB,should meet certain criteria. This criterion includes the division of categories as follows:

  • Close Relatives such as wives of U.S. citizens
  • Youngsters (below 21) who come under U.S. citizenship.
  • Parents of the U.S. citizens

Applicants in this category are considered the quickest, usually in a year.

Whereas other categories include:

  • All unmarried adult daughters &sons OfU.S. citizens above 21 years of age.
  • Wife of green card holders, unmarried children of permanent citizens.
  • Married daughters and sons of U.S residents
  • Siblings of adult citizens of the U.S.

Even though each category can help with eligible support for green cards in the United States, the procedure time increases with every consecutive category and can take many days or longer for some cases.

Applying Process

The application process for a family green card in the United States might appear difficult.

You can apply for a family green card if you are a close relative of a US citizen by:

  • Filling a form with your relative
  • Filling the form I-485 with your relative and I-30
  • Two photographs
  • Copy of any document which can help in photo identification.
  • Copy of American birth certificate

Whenever you make an appointment with any of us, you’ll be working with a law firm that is focused on supporting your rights. Apart from a green card we also offer

  • Consultation for 5 minutes
  • Appointment schedule during flexible hours
  • A warm welcome in the office
  • Assistance for business immigration

If you are applying for a green card from outside the United States, you must first go through consulate processing. This process involves applying for an expired visa at a U.S. Department of State visa office abroad to join the United States and become a legal citizen.